The Time is Now for the Administration to Act to Ease the Pain at the Pump

American Energy Alliance Launches Five Figure Digital Campaign to Support American Energy Production


The Time is Now for the Administration to Act to Ease the Pain at the Pump

WASHINGTON D.C. – This week, American Energy Alliance (AEA), the country’s premier pro-consumer, pro-taxpayer, and free-market energy organization, launched an advocacy initiative calling on President Biden and his administration to stop sending mixed signals when it comes to energy production in America.

American drivers have been paying record high prices at the pump, but President Biden and the Democrats on Capitol Hill have been sending mixed signals on American energy production – calling for greater oil production only after a year of bashing American oil and natural gas producers. That’s not getting the job done. Now is the time for President Biden to act to support greater domestic energy production here at home to lower the price of gasoline at the pump.

AEA is calling on the Biden Administration and the Democrats in Congress to give American energy consumers a chance to actually lower energy prices for hard-working American families. Our message is clear:  it’s time to get out of the way and allow American energy workers to provide the reliable and affordable energy consumers need.

Thomas Pyle, president of the American Energy Alliance, issued the following statement:

“If the Biden administration is serious about lowering energy prices, then it’s time for them to reverse their flawed policies, which have strangled domestic energy production since day one of this presidency.

Instead of stifling investment in oil and gas production, the Biden Administration and Congress needs to encourage financial institutions to invest in new projects.

Instead of banning drilling on federal lands and waters, President Biden needs to encourage new investment in American oil and gas development and approve the over 4,000 drilling permits that his Administration is sitting on.

Instead of promoting policies that prevent the construction of new pipelines, the Biden Administration and Congress needs to clamp down on unelected bureaucrats who are putting up roadblocks to new projects.

Instead of shutting down production in Alaska, the Biden Administration needs to follow the law and offer new leases in ANWR and the Naval Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.

Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. President Biden and Democrats in Congress, it’s time to end your war on American energy. American families are suffering under your policies. It’s time to reverse course.”

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