Robbie (Ruth Roberta) Gries is organizing this fundraiser.
Many Ukrainian female geologists have escaped the violence in Ukraine to nearby Poland and other countries, some with children, parents and siblings. Most have left their spouses, brothers, fathers and other male friends behind fighting the Russian invasion. All are needing support to sustain them as they look for work, housing, schools, medical help, etc. Some are trying to send medical equipment, clothes, equipment, etc. to their men left behind.
Proceeds from this GoFundMe will go directly to the women identified as geologist refugees in Poland, to begin with, and others as they are identified. At this time, ten women have been identified with these needs.

Polish geoscientist, Dr. Piotr Krzywiec, with the Institute of Geological Sciences in Warsaw, is on the ground identifying and coordinating contact with these refugees. Ms. Robbie Gries is in Denver, Colorado, and will coordinate the transfer of funding to these geologists/geoscientists.
Gries is a former president of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and visited Ukraine and Poland during her presidential term. Past presidents, Randi Martinsen and Denise Cox, are also strongly and financially supporting this effort as well as current president, Gretchen Gillis.
For more information, go to: www.gofundme.com/f/female-ukrainian-geoscientist-refugee-funds.
obbie Gries was the first woman to graduate from Colorado State University with a degree in geology and later became the AAPG’s first female president in 2001. In 2012, she was the first woman to be awarded the Michel Halbouty Award for Outstanding Leadership. Gries is the author of Anomalies: Pioneering Women in Petroleum Geology 1917 – 2017. With a career spanning almost 50 years in the oil and gas industry as a petroleum geologist, she worked for large and small companies, before forming her own company, and is president of Priority Oil & Gas, LLC. Originally from Texas, Gries now resides in Colorado.
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