Articles by Erica D'Eramo


The Case for Compassion

Erica D'Eramo
I watched my boss hurriedly hit the mute button. We were onboard a floating production storage and offloading (FPSO), floating in the Atlantic Ocean, and...

The Curiosity Superpower

Erica D'Eramo
When asked what my greatest strength is, I can answer quickly. It’s curiosity. This is also one of the core values I hold dear to...

The Power of “No”

Erica D'Eramo
‘Tis the season for burnout. Ah, yes, September is upon us. The summer holidays are behind us and schools are back in session, including sports...

Women as Allies – Part II

Erica D'Eramo
In the January/February issue, we explored the perception that women do not support other women. We peeled back layers of misconceptions and uncovered underlying patterns...

Women as Allies – Part I

Erica D'Eramo
When considering what topics would be most interesting for this column, I realized the answer was in the Q&A portion of nearly every interactive workshop...

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