Preventing damages caused by corrosion can extend the life of all the steel structures that are employed in the oil and gas industries alongside increasing...
Cybersecurity signifies the protection of data, networks, and systems from potential cyber attacks with the help of a plethora of technologies, controls, and processes. With...
Making biodiesel nowadays is not simply about producing renewable fuel. For biodiesel operators, it is a real challenge to produce high-quality forms of biodiesel that...
Crude Oil and Gas are transported through numerous options, from a natural field where the reserves are extracted to the manufacturing facilities where they are...
On November 30th, 2018, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established a quota for the production of renewable fuels in 2019 and biomass-based diesel fuels...
The latest issue of the Oil and Gas Journal enlightened us with the global refining capacities of 2019 alongside some readjustments in the capacities of...