The Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association in late September welcomed Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina and independent producers for a discussion on energy policy during a...
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) said in a Sept. 11 notice in the Federal Register that it will prepare an environmental assessment (EA) for...
Valero Energy Partners LP’s board of directors of its general partner has approved the partnership’s acquisition of the Corpus Christi Terminal Services Business from a...
D.M.B. Construction LLC., (Dominic Michael Bracco) has been a family owned and operated company for 14 years, but has remained a family business for a...
Northern Natural Gas has filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for authorization to build and operate new natural gas transportation facilities in Gaines County,...
NEWS RELEASE For More Information: Carey Buchholtz Senior Marketing Manager (713) 343-1878  New Content and Expanded Schedule at the 25th Annual CLEAN GULF...
The American Petroleum Institute (API) in comments submitted to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) cautioned that the unintended consequences of some elements...