During the world-renowned Delivering Alpha conference in New York, Jim Chanos announced that his company Kynikos Associates was short on multiple U.S. Shale oil producers. Being...
Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. and Valero Energy Corporation announced on September 14 that they would be working together to expand and develop the marine storage facility...
The catastrophic flooding and high-velocity winds accompanying Hurricane Harvey had overarching effects on both residents and businesses in the Gulf Coast area, particularly in Texas....
Due to legislation that was part of Senate Bill 867, companies can now begin drilling two-mile long horizontal wells in non-shale rock layers in Oklahoma....
On Wednesday, August 23, the Texas Alliance of Energy Producers released their Texas Petro Index (TPI) analysis for July, the results of which showed a...
Oklahoma City-based Continental Resources Inc. reported their 2017 second quarter financials on August 8, 2017 and updated their guidance for the remainder of the year....
The oil market continues to experience price volatility as shifting variables test investors’ fortitude. An August 8 OPEC meeting and the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA)...