Interview: Trent Latshaw, Founder & President, Latshaw Drilling Latshaw talks about the changes in the oil industry in terms of boom-bust cycles and production. He also...
Interviews: Iain Vasey, President and CEO, Corpus Christi Economic Development Corporation Vasey talks about the economic impact of the $10B ExxonMobil ethylene facility being constructed and...
Interview: Chris Boswell, CEO and co-founder, EcoStim Energy Solutions Boswell talks about working with energy endeavors in Argentina and South America. He also explains why global...
Interviews: Lynn Helms, Director, Department of Mineral Resources, Bismarck, ND Helms discusses the emerging technology industry in the Upper Midwest, being lead by the Bakken...
Interview: Tiffany Steiner and Jackie Schmidt, co-Founders, Bakken BBQ, Dickinson, ND The two founders talk about the 5th Annual Bakken BBQ including this year’s theme,...
Interview: Dr. Loren Scott, President, Loren Scott & Associates, Baton Rouge, LA Scott compares the Permian Basin to the Bakken oil field and explains why...
Interview: Sam Cook, Managing Editor, Oilman Magazine Cook previews their upcoming issue focusing on FERC and the permit process. He also talks about how they...
Interview: Dr. Loren Scott, President, Loren Scott & Associates, Baton Rouge, LA Scott talks about how technology has made offshore drilling more economical in the...