They are the explorers, the treasure hunters in search of black gold. Every exploration and production (E&P) venture is a gamble with no certainty of...
The case for inclusion is clear: Inclusive teams make better decisions 87 percent of the time and drive decision-making two times faster with half the...
Over the last two years, traditional context for decision-making has fundamentally changed, and business leaders worldwide have been thrust into a historic intersection – adapt...
Anomaly anom·a·ly | ə-ˈnä-mə-lē plural anomalies Definition: A departure from the expected or normal; a geologic feature that is different from the general surrounding and...
“I was honored to represent women in that breakthrough,” Robbie Gries says of being named the first woman president of the American Association of Petroleum...
Encouragement changes lives. Erika Symmonds, vice president of Workforce Development and Service at GRID Alternatives, knows that for a fact. GRID Alternatives, founded in 2001,...
We live in a world today where discussions pertaining to gender as a prefix are almost immediately assumed to be about women’s welfare, participation and...