In our latest episode, Tom is joined by the head of KRCL’s Distressed Strategies Practice Group, Mike Ridulfo, for the third installment of a six-part series featuring...
This Weekly Word with Jason Spiess and the professor Stephen Heins hosts Tom Shepstone from Pennsylvania, who is an urban consultant, community planner, researcher and...
The Weekly Word is a weekly high level discussion about energy, quality of life, globalism and the environment. This week Professor Stephen Heins and Jason...
Weekly Davis Refinery Update Interview: Dan Hedrington, principal, SEH Hedrington gives details on the public meeting for The Davis Refinery’s air permit approval, January 17, in...
This week, Tom is joined by his Houston-based partner, AJ Johnson, for the second installment of a six-part series featuring guest speakers from Kane Russell Coleman Logan PC on...
Interview: Doug Burgum, North Dakota Governor Burgum Explains why he believes North Dakota can achieve 2M barrels a day. He also describes why zero spills...
Interview:Â Â Dan Hedrington, SEH During the interview, host Jason Spiess and Hedrington discuss the next steps for the Davis Refinery, the Bakken communities and the state...
In this special episode of the podcast, Tom is joined by his Dallas-based partner, Bruce Flowers, for the first installment of a six-part series featuring guest...
Energy Communities Interview:Â Ben Hanson, candidate for US House of Representatives Hanson talks about his roots to the oil and gas communities, his connection to the...