During the world-renowned Delivering Alpha conference in New York, Jim Chanos announced that his company Kynikos Associates was short on multiple U.S. Shale oil producers. Being...
Anue Water Technologies, the leading manufacturer of high-efficiency Ozone and Oxygen generation systems for the elimination of odor, corrosion and FOG (film, oil, grease) in...
Commissioned by the South Texas Energy and Economic Roundtable (STEER), The University of Texas at San Antonio’s (UTSA) Center for Community and Business Research (CCBR)...
While North Dakota has the Bakken Basin to thank for its recent prosperity, it has been a double-edged sword attempting to provide economic prosperity while...
The discovery of a new profit maker can leave a lasting impact. For Dickinson, North Dakota, the discovery was an untapped shale oil formation harboring...
Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-15) announced the formation of a Congressional Oil and Gas Caucus. This organization, composed of congressional members, will be created to educate...
Clean Chemistry, a chemical technology company, received three patents from the US Patent and Trademark Office that cover formulae, synthesis methods and use of unique...