Leveraging the Technologies and Capabilities of Dynamic Risk Management to Transform Operational Safety and Performance Excellence Forrester has found that organizations within the heavy industry...
Ten years ago, early adopters within the oil and gas industry began to address digital innovation as a method to optimize business performance. This commitment...
In the oil and gas industry, all systems are pivoting towards a digital model. Digitization of workflows, record keeping, and specific tasks change the way...
With the gradual recovery of oil prices and the market’s highly volatile nature following the 2015 downturn, oil and gas exploration companies are increasingly focused...
For supplier quality surveillance (SQS), using shared folders and Microsoft (MS) Excel spreadsheets is tried and true (proven in the past to be effective and...
To remain competitive, businesses in the oil and gas sector depend on emerging technology. Thanks to this, they can make quick and informed decisions. As...
The oil and gas industry historically strengthens its bottom line through technological advancement that yields efficiency, more attention to safety details and increased profits. While...