Wireless instruments provide critical information on physical processes such as temperature, pressure, level, flow and humidity to wireless sensing networks, including WirelessHART, ISA100, Zigbee and...
A few months ago, the world learned of a targeted cyberattack on a petrochemical facility in Saudi Arabia. Now known as TRITON, the Stuxnet-like attack...
Technology is outpacing oil and gas in growth, but that’s good for the industries. In addition to the fact that processors, screens, casings and many...
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Pushing Boundaries in Offshore O&G To say times were different when the first Gulf oil well went into service is a...
Digital innovation strategies incorporating the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are top-of-mind for oil and gas operators working to achieve greater productivity and lower costs,...
The world is abuzz with Bitcoin, blockchain technology, and the Internet of Things (IoT), with many oil and gas executives asking, “Where do these new...
In oil & gas, enthusiasm for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is already abundant. But unfulfilled potential abounds. A new study from Bsquare found that while 89%...