Industry Optimism Continues, Despite Oil Price Turmoil


Over the past few months, the price of oil has danced around the $50/bbl point until July 7th, when it slid 7.7% in one day. The volatility of the movement was another blow to an already price-weary industry, that’s been subject to the implications of Brent and WTI since the later part of 2014.

But in Oklahoma City, hope springs eternal.

The 2015 OKC Oilfield Expo, that will take place October 14-15 at the Cox Convention Center, is 90% sold out. 24,000 square feet of exhibit space has been reserved by oil and gas product providers who want to connect with customers who’ve been orphaned by suppliers that have either scaled back or gone out of business.

Eli Logan, the President of Texas Classic Productions, LLC, the company that produces the 2015 OKC Oilfield Expo, says the percentage of booths sold is ahead of schedule. He attributes the response to several things, including the location of the show and its focus on efficiency-boosting technology.

“The show takes place just blocks from the headquarters of some of the biggest names in oil and gas,” he said. “And this show is focused on deal-making, trade, and the display of products and services that can help companies compete on price without sacrificing profits.” Logan says the unique tenacity of the oil and gas industry is a factor as well.

“It’s really a testament to the resilient spirit of the industry and the people in it. Even in the midst of the downturn, the march towards innovation and better business continues. We’re honored to be a part of it.”

About Texas Classic Productions, LLC; the organizers of the 2015 OKC Oilfield Expo:

Texas Classic Productions, LLC is a professional trade show management company focused on creating return-on-investment for every trade show participant. The company produces business-to-consumer and business-to-business trade shows, including the Oilfield Expo Series. Shows in the Oilfield Expo Series are among the fastest-growing and largest oil and gas trade shows in North America.

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