LLOG, Eni and Chevron Address P&A Technology Selection


Technology selection played a key role in enabling Chevron to deliver a recent deepwater well P&A campaign ahead of schedule and under budget. Their Subsea Well Intervention Engineer will be presenting these exciting results at the 3rd Deepwater Decommissioning Workshop (Houston, May 23-24). The session will:

  • Examine the benefits of using an intervention riser system and BOP to deliver this campaign to understand abandonment design and operability limits for your deepwater projects
  • Discuss why a moored rig was ultimately chosen following a careful study of available vessel options to grasp the major impact of technology selection on project cost and delivery
  • Analyze how to improve your decommissioning strategy by uncovering how technical performance and model project management led to an under budget and timely execution

10 operators will be joining Chevron to address ways of reducing their decommissioning liability by utilizing new decommissioning technologies – highlights include:

  • Eni, ConocoPhillips and LLOG will discuss project costs & the need for new regulatory compliant technologies to assess how your products can help address a growing GOM P&A liability
  • Shell and ExxonMobil will outline available cement alternatives including modified cements, epoxies, polymers and polyester materials to understand the scope of innovative solutions available for subsea P&A
  • Marubeni will address the risk profiles associated with a large scale riserless P&A campaign to understand an operator’s strategic incentive to trial and champion emerging technologies

Check out the full agenda now at http://tinyurl.com/oilman-DDW-agenda

If you have any questions regarding attending the conference or have a story to share, please get in touch today using the contact info below.

Sam Scarpa
Project Manager | Offshore Network Ltd.
t: +44 (0) 20 3793 8800| e: sscarpa@offsnet.com

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