Interview: Nicolas Flom, Director, Northern Plains UAS Test Site Talks about UAS/drone testing in the Northern Plains and how it will impact the Bakken Oilfields....
Interview: Peter Kearl, Inventor, Qmast, Grand Junction, CO Talks about their microwave innovation in energy production and extraction. He explains how the technology works and the...
Interview: Curtis Shuck, President, Red River Oilfield Services, Williston, ND Shares his displeasure with the "main stream media" and their reporting of the Bakken Bust. ...
Interview: U.S. Senator John Hoeven Talks about the number of meetings, tribal councils and pipeline re-routes that were involved with the siting of the Dakota...
Interview: Curtis Shuck, President, Red River Oilfield Services, Williston, ND Gives an update on their company as well as what the overall Williston Basin oilfield...
Interview: Steven Kjergaard, Executive Director, Williston Basin International Airport Talks about the activity in the Bakken's airport in Williston, ND. He also discusses their project...