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Capitalizing on Field Service Management Software to Improve Refinery Safety

Refineries need to function reliably and continuously to deliver critical petroleum products, but they are under considerable strain. According to a National Public Radio report published in June 2022, the United States had five fewer refineries at the beginning of 2022 than it had at the beginning of 2020, and…

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Author Profile
Devin Landes
Senior Manager, Solution Engineering and Sales - OverIT

A technology leader in the FSM space, Devin Landes, senior manager, Solution Engineering and Sales, OverIT, is focused on customer engagement and solutions. Beginning her career at Oracle, she has concentrated on solution engineering, working with large, enterprise FSM companies and honing her understanding of people and processes in industries such as utilities, energy, manufacturing and telecommunications to facilitate field service-led digital transformation. Email or call (310) 648-4326.

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