Keep On Fracking

Keep On Fracking


Drilling through the Earth’s thick core

Drilling till there ain’t no more

Fracking goes right through the bore

So cheap gas now

Buy out the store

And all the folks behind the wheel

Just think their fuel a real steal

Frackers though can’t work the well

As oil prices drop to hell

Drillers holes are all just capped

Tools and rigs then tightly wrapped

Can’t work for free

And get no pay

May come back some other day

Big oil folks now also cry

Forget offshore

Pass new fields by

Yet all stays calm

For just a while

But overseas

“Their” big broad smile

And months pass by

Our guard still down

Till one day

When we’re in town

Pump prices rise

No real surprise

Too late

We realize our fate

From overseas there’s no more flow

So now we have no place to go

Our fracking gone

The big boys tight

Can’t just start up

And get things right

So, keep our petro folks in mind

If not

We’re in a real bind.

Author Profile
Gary Kraidman

Born in Brooklyn, Gary Kraidman received a Bachelor of Science degree from Brooklyn College and a Master of Science (cum laude) in microbiology from Long Island University. He began his career with Tenneco Chemicals as a microbiologist in Piscataway, New Jersey. He later took a position with New Brunswick Scientific Company, retiring after 25 years on the road. In retirement, he developed a fascination with President Warren G. Harding, collecting memorabilia and ultimately lecturing on the former president. Shortly thereafter, Kraidman began writing petro thrillers, including Anaerobe (A Nick Torno petro thriller), short stories, poems, and a climate tale. He is honored to have all of his works in the Manville Public Library in New Jersey.

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