EM Shields by Lightning Electrotechnologies for fiberglass tanks. Photo courtesy of Lightning Electrotechnologies, Inc.

Lightning Protection Standards Inadequate and Hazardous

Electromagnetic (EM) waves/fields from lightning strikes constitute indisputable scientific fact. They are a major cause of electric power outages and are the basis of national lightning detection networks. The issue of the EM effects of lightning has been central in areas like the electric power industry since the 1950s; however,…

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Author Profile
Amir Rizk
Manager - Lightning Electrotechnologies, Inc.

Amir Rizk, B.Sc., Physics, MBA. Manager of Lightning Electrotechnologies, Inc., Rizk is a contributor to the world-renowned research in the physics of lightning, lightning protection, and high voltage engineering by Lightning Electrotechnologies, Inc., and its founder, Dr. F.A.M. Rizk, and has appeared on a number of their scientific publications and five U.S. patents.

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